Fly Overview

Blow Fly Overview

Fly Overview

Fly Overview – Blowflies are big, metallic green, grey, blue, bronze, or black flies. The adult flies may spend the cold winter months in homes or other safeguarded sites but will never reproduce. During summer, blowflies breed on decayed carcasses and dogs’ or other pets’ excrement. They can be in homes close to the corpse of a dead squirrel, rodent, or bird. Sometimes, small animals may die inside walls or beneath the crawl space of a house. Blowflies and maggots can take place one or two weeks later. Also, adult blowflies attract gas leaks.

Firmly seal off garbage containers and remove animals, specifically dog manure, from places around the house, such as screen windows in the summer season. Thus, make use of flypaper or fly control traps

House Fly Control

Among the house, they are infesting flies. They are the best identified. Housefly overview is usually grey, and their thorax is broad dark stripes. Generally, some yellow colouring along the sides distinguishes them from face flies. House flies are often present where humans are present. Larvae typically develop in or close to human-made food sources, trash, animal waste materials, culled fruits, vegetables, and spilled animal feed. Adult flies feed on various liquid wastes but can eat solid foods, for instance, sugar. To break down solid foods, regurgitating house flies will liquefy food.

In the course of feeding, they also defecate on the food. As a result of these habits, house flies can cause serious health risks by transferring pathogens. House fly control throughout the home is essential to avoid disease transmission, especially in preparing food and eating areas. During picnics, minimise the risk of contamination by keeping food covered as much as possible.

Tightly seal off trash containers and screen windows in the summer season. Use fly control paper or traps to draw in and capture flies. To kill resting flies, treat your room corners with fly spray.

Cluster Fly Overview

Cluster flies are among the most bothersome in homes throughout the cool months. They can also be pests at work, particularly in the upper stories. They are more significant than house flies; during their indoor period, they’re semi-dormant, flying sluggishly. The behaviour of cluster flies is quite different from other common domestic flies. Also, immature phases develop as a parasites of worms. Eggs are laid in the soil. And the larvae get into it. Generally, they feed inside the worms.

Cluster flies never feed on rubbish or animal manure. In the latter part of summer, cluster flies look for overwintering shelter and fly control in the afternoons, depending on sun-exposed locations. When the sun sets, the flies look for cracks and other openings in the building and proceed to the upper stories. Face and cluster flies remain inactive. When the environment is relaxed, these flies become active on sunny days in the fall and winter. They might appear to be entering the house outside, but outside temperatures are far too cold.

How to Control | Fly Overview

Cluster flies, also known as earthworm parasites, generally are tough to manage by breeding area management. The most suitable fly management strategy is to caulk or fill cracks and crevices around homes. Before these flies move indoors for overwintering, treatments on upper stories of building exteriors for face fly and cluster fly control during sunny days and cold months. When flies become lively, insecticide bombs containing permethrin may benefit attics from the rest of the house. And other rooms that can be singled out. The reentry label must be read for safety details.

Before flies enter in late August and September, seal your home, specifically the upper stories of the south and west sides. External treatment of house walls with an efficient fly spray can further restrict access. Indeed, aerosol fly spray lets you control and kill flying flies actively. 

Call Steam n Dry Fly Control Auckland Services for professional help on 0800199399 or email us. Also, we comply with the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Pest Management Association of New Zealand.

Experienced, researched, and written by Graeme Stephens. An IICRC Master Restoration Technician in 2001. With over 36 years of disinfecting, cleaning, and pest control Auckland services experience. 

Updated Last: 23 January 2025

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