Fly Control Auckland Services

Get Rid of FliesFly-Control

Most people in Auckland recommend Steam n Dry Fly Control Auckland Services for the best fly control results. Thus, Steam ‘n’ Dry Fly Control Auckland Service has proudly provided professional fly control services in various areas since 1987.

Quick Facts on Flies

  • Three-body parts: head, thorax, abdomen
  • One pair of fully-developed wings
  • Hind wings are reduced to halteres (small knob-like structures) to maintain equilibrium.
  • Adult mouthparts are sponging, lapping, or piercing
  • All adults look alike, but some may have a metallic colour, like blue bottle flies.
  • Antennae may be challenging to see. The fly is an order with well-defined characteristics – the chief being a single pair of wings. The adult fly emerges from the pupa, soft and crumpled with colourless skin, the integument, and perfectly formed, although not fully pigmented, hairs and bristles. The newly emergent adult swallows air to expand its wings and forces blood through its body.

Common Fly Species Found in Auckland

  • March fly
  • Blowfly
  • Lesser house fly
  • Fruit fly
  • House and bush fly
  • Stable fly
  • Flesh fly

Fly Control Behavior

  • The eyes of flies are among the most complex in the insect world. They are compound eyes with many individual facets, each representing a separate light-detecting unit. Also, the lights reflected from the sight of a horsefly can form a rainbow.
  • Fly, taste, smell, and feel with the hairs covering their bodies. Including hairs on its mouthparts and feet that are used for tasting. Indeed, they fly and taste what they walk on. If they walk onto something tasty, they put it down their mouth and taste it again.
  • Fly uses other hairs to tell them when they touch something. Then these hairs bend when connected. Also, their eyes do not have eyelids, so flies rub their eyes with their feet to keep them clean. Thus, a fly cleans itself constantly.
  • Fly walk on smooth surfaces using soft, sticky pads like glue. Which allows them to walk on vertical glass surfaces and upside down.

Flies Habitat for Fly Control

Flies live in garbage and wherever animal feces are available. However, dead animals attract flies within hours after death. Most flies are diurnal.

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Fly Control Indoors


Remove garbage daily. Moreover, use plastic trash liners, then twist and tie them when disposed of—next, only empty rubbish into metal trash cans with liners. At any rate, not using a trash can liner will cause odours that will attract flies. If you cannot use a liner, regularly wash the trash can with a disinfecting cleaner.

Bug Zapper

Do not use an electrical bug zapper indoors or within 100 feet of the building. Furthermore, electrical bug zappers cause the insect to explode, releasing insect body parts 10 -15 feet away from the zapper. Also, do not use light traps. In addition, light traps trap all insects and are safe to use directly over stoves. As well as food preparation surfaces in most cases.

Indoor Sprays

Indoor sprays such as Responsar are similarly effective in controlling flies. Be sure to spray window sills and other fly-resting spots. Hence, do not spray TVs, lamps, and others with insect sprays. Also, Ripcord contains Australian pyrethrum, which is lethal to flies. Besides, fog liberally enters rooms, garages, and areas where flies group. Therefore, a quick spray around windows will kill flies trapped behind curtains and blinds.

Commercial kitchens

Commercial kitchens and bars should be aware that fruit flies love the smell and taste of beer. Thus, mop or rinse off beer spilled on floors every night to prevent fruit fly infestations. Similarly, the use of a commercial floor cleaner also helps. Drain gel helps to remove the organic buildup caused by washing grease and food down floor drains. Thus, use drain gel every week. Fruit fly traps catch fruit flies directly on bar tops and other food preparation surfaces where regular fly control spray cannot be placed.

House Plants

Never allow the house plants to sit in water and become soggy. Soggy plant soil will harbour flies and the like.

Paper Fly

Paper files and inexpensive glue strips are effective at capturing flies, but they do not attract them in most cases and depend on an attractant of some sort or a shiny surface. Also, flypaper is messy and needs to be more sanitary. For this reason, flypaper is not recommended for kitchens or other indoor hygienic areas.

Spray Mist

Timed-release spray mist dispenses pyrethrum regularly and is also somewhat effective at controlling flies. Place time-release misters away from food areas, not areas where people will remain for extended periods. Never use time-release misters in kitchens, offices, and other regions.

Light Traps

They are highly recommended for fly control indoors. They are safe, capture the entire flies, and are easily maintainable. Light traps work best at night when there are no other light sources to attract flies. Thus, light traps should only be placed indoors. The UV light emitted from light traps will attract flying insects from hundreds of yards. Do not place light traps near windows or doors.

Fly Control Retail Products

Most over-the-counter fly control products sold at hardware stores do not contain the same attractants or active ingredients as professional-use products. Although the packaging and advertising may appear convincing, millions of dollars are wasted by consumers annually on over-the-counter products that do not work long-term.

Fly Control

A buzzing house fly is simply irritating. But besides the annoyance, you should realise that there are plenty of good reasons to swat every fly that comes your way. Thus, keep them out of your home altogether. Flies breed in animal waste and decaying organic material, such as garbage and rotting fruit fallen from trees. And as a result, they pick up bacteria and viruses that can make humans sick.

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Fly Control and Symptoms

Fly can produce various symptoms, including pain, itching, urticaria, and cellulitis. An allergic response is the most common, which hives and wheezing may characterise. Also, Tabanid bites are very painful, with some severe developing lesions, fever, and general disability. This allergic response is due to the large amounts of saliva the fly injects to prevent their blood meal from clotting.

Flies Health Concerns

Fly is widespread throughout New Zealand’s warmer parts and will attack humans, livestock, and domestic pets to acquire blood. Stoutly built, solid, and swift fliers tend to be more active throughout the summer, especially in still, open, sunny areas. The Tabanids mainly, are influenced by weather and respond to barometric pressure, wind, cloud cover, and temperature changes. In short, there are hidden dangers of flies.


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Fly Control Auckland

What To Do:

1. Get Immediate Professional Inspection and Fly treatment before it worsens.

WARNING: Do Not attempt DIY Fly Control Auckland Service on your premises. Your family might get sick, and there are heavy fines for using an insecticide NOT registered for Fly Control Auckland Service that will not even eradicate the fly infestation.

2. Be careful of low prices for Fly Control Auckland Services.

What kind of fly control should you use?

Do they have to use solvent-based pesticides?

May occupants suffer from asthmatic or other bronchial ailments?

Look at the variety of services they offer. Many fly control service providers also provide regular maintenance to ensure the insects do not return. Therefore, we comply with the Pesticide License Program and Pesticide Applicator Certification—some fly control. The type of treatment your home requires depends on the specific fly issues you’re facing. When hiring a fly control service provider, it’s essential to choose one that offers a customised solution based on your needs. Once the treatment begins, you’ll quickly see the benefits of a fly-free space and enjoy a healthier, more comfortable home environment.

Call Steam n Dry Fly Control Auckland Services on 0800 783 266.

Fly Treatment Cost

Of course, the cost should be fair, and to solve your  problem, that depends on the following:

  • the size of the property
  • the intensity of infestation
  • several areas affected
  • ease of access for inspection and fly insecticidal treatment

Domestic premises: About from $89 to $150

Commercial premises: Quote is advisable before treatment

Service Areas

South Auckland, East Auckland, West Auckland, North Shore Auckland, Eastern Bays, Eastern Suburbs, Western Suburbs, Manukau City, Waitakere City, CBD, North Shore, Shore, Waitakere, Manukau, Howick, Pakuranga, Botany, Panmure, Ellerslie, Mt Wellington, Penrose, Greenlane, Remuera, Newmarket, Epsom, Mt Roskill, Mt Albert, Manurewa, Botany, East Tamaki, Otara, Dannemora, Otahuhu, Onehunga, Papatoetoe, Pukekohe, Papakura, Mangere, Manurewa, Parnel, City, Hernebay, Ponsonby, Pt Chev, New Lynn, Henderson, Te Atatu South, Te Atatu Penisula, Auckland City, North Shore, Glendene, Glen Eden, Titirangi, Massey, Greenhithe, West Habour, Hobsonville, Orewa, Brownsbay, North Shore, Glenfield, Birkdale, Birkenhead, Takapuna, North Habour, North Auckland, Devonport, Milford, East Coast Bays, Hibiscus Coast, Whangaparaoa, Rodney District, Albany, North Shore, Auckland CBD, and Manukau City.


To get a guaranteed Fly Control Auckland Service, call 0800 199 399 or email us. 



Updated Last: 20 January 2025 By GRAEME STEPHENS


Call us today! Fly Control Expert.